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Artist Statement

The Fantastic New World

My works reflect on how I perceive and respond to the great perspective of the individuals, society, universe, time, and space. I explore the relationship between individuals and the macroscopic world. The artworks are underpinned by theories that refer to a spectrum of combinations of philosophical theories, including Existential Nihilism, Absurdism, Entropy, as well as the phenomenon of biological groups and the movements that were created by myself. Although these theories are independent, their interrelation inspires me to reflect on who I am and the world’s nature.

I use multiple layers by digital paint to create the artworks, which enables me to rethink and work as if I was a music conductor in the process of the creation, and my duty is just like a conductor who harmonically instructs many different types of musicians in a symphony orchestra in order to create a wonderful symphony. In the foreground, I look into the microcosmic world in which I extract the features from a shoal of fish or the arrangement of falling petals. By looking at the singular and the groups of objects, I question the meaning of the individuals in the face of the ephemerality of life. In the second layer, I experimented on my hairs and photographed them as they inform my works to convey so much meaning. For instance, hair is the trace of experience that is similar to our memories that are the results of our past experiences recording. Furthermore, Hairs are very personal because everyone’s hairs contain their unique DNA. Moreover, bring digital process allows me to shape hair into different forms, such as flowing rivers, optical fiber, and massive expressways. At the end of the process, the images create the effect of shining polar lights as I burn my hair, and finally, they become ash. The third layer and the background are created by refining the elements arranging from the high-tech products and metropolis night views, symbolize the prosperity of advanced civilization and humans’ various desires. 


I’m looking in different scales arrange from microcosmic object to the macroscopic world by using digital paint to create the works with the combination of multiple layers that allow me to compress different objects, speeds, transparency, movements, and spaces together with rich colors in order to engage the viewers to immerse in the fantastic moment of the present regardless of everything will be gone at the end.

I experience three different stages in this period, as follows:

The First Stage
Digital paint
3869 × 5169 pixels
Digital paint
4096x3066 pixels
The Second Stage

City, Lights, Hairs, Rivers, Fireworks

Moment and External

Prosperous and Visional

Substance and Energy

Existential Nihilism and Nihilism

Absurd and Free

Speed and Passion

Flowing and Sedimentary

Popular Culture and Classic

Contemporary and Attention

Time and Space

Memory is a Flowing River.jpeg
Digital paint
3868 × 5169 pixels
Digital paint
1920 × 2566 pixels
The Third Stage
Concentration: Nihilism, Absurdism, Entropy, Biological Group/Mechanism and Movements
The Fantastic New World Series
Online Virtual Exhibition
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
Mixed digital paint
6000 × 4200pixels
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